
Jacko, my faithful tagger, has done it again. (this one's for TAAM, gimme five, man!)

On to more interesting people...ME, for instance.

I am thinking about...

how tags are SO last year!

I said...
It's not all okay. But it's all okay. (think about THAT!)

I want to...
Walk on a beach and feel small beside the majesty of the ocean.

I wish...
I could read the minds of some people.

I hear...
tomato prices have gone up again. (Is this true?)

I wonder...
why I just brought up the tomatoes!

I regret...
not having played enough sport in the past four years.

I am...
wondering who came up with this tag!!

I dance...
like no-one's watching. I mean...WHEN no-one's watching. I make sure they don't.

I sing...
all the time. Sometimes just inside my head.

I cry...
when I feel overwhelmed or extremely happy or helpless or deeply sad or...

I am not always...
This boring. Sometimes I am...*yawn* what was I saying?

I make with my hands...
two thumbs up to the guys who came up with the remote control.

I write...
whenever I feel like. (but you knew that already)

I confuse...
people when I try to tell jokes...I tend to get into the technicalities, hence killing the humour slowly but surely.

I need...
to make myself clear.

And finally...
how high ARE those tomato prices???

On demand, this tag is passed on to one busybee who's rather lazy these days.

6 Responses to “Mindfreak”

  1. # Blogger That Girl

    have i told you how freaky your mind is!?!! HUH? HUH? HUH?

    sigh.. i dont make much sense these days anyways...

    ANGELLLLLLLLLLLL im BOOOOOOOREDDDD~~~ we never did get to meet huh....  

  2. # Blogger nestpa

    Is that the big comeback? I'll post something more solid on mine comeback... It seems like you did this one just to beat me!  

  3. # Blogger Saturday Night Takeout

    You're back in the office. Good good.  

  4. # Blogger Unknown

    Hey, unfair..!

    ..we never did get to meet too..

    Interesting Post.. i make do with ketchup! :D  

  5. # Blogger Nebula

    Simply WOW, Like the way u've written this Post :)
    BTW, Tomatoes near my House are Cheaper; coming?! we'll go Shopping :D  

  6. # Blogger Ta'fxkz

    to make myself clear.*

    I hope you never make yourself clear, that will kill the Mystique

    have you noticed how the Spam Check Word Verification can be a small Typing Contest in it's self  

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