The other side of the radio
1 Comments Published by Angel on Sunday, December 19, 2004 at 1:34:00 PM.

check out these lyrics of "the other side of the radio" by Chris Rice
Here I am on the other side of the radio
Wonderin' why I'm here and why anybody cares what I say
No I’m not a better man cause I'm singing my songs on the radio
Cause were all the same, at the end of the day
Now I imagine you on the other side of the radio
Doin' your homework or driving with your windows down on the freeway
I see you tappin' the wheel I see you bobbin' your head to the radio
Oh and it makes my day, to see that smile on your face
And in some small way, I remember my place
Cause it's you and me singing the same song right now
And maybe this will bring us together somehow
And maybe there's a million people all singing along
Somebody started thinkin' about the third line
And maybe somebody's saying a prayer for the first time
And that's enough reason to keep me singing my song,
Singing my songs, on the other side of the radio
Crank up the volume sing at the top of your lungs with the radio
Tune it in to some good news and laughing along with the DJ
We're changing someone's world from the other side of the radio
Oh and it makes my day to see that smile on your face
And in some small way, I remember my place
Cause it's you and me singing the same song right now
And maybe this will bring us together somehow
And maybe there's a million people all singing a long
Somebody started thinkin' about the third line
And maybe somebody's saying a prayer for the first time
And that's enough reason to keep me singing my song
Singing my song, on the other side of the radio (2X)
Dah Dah dah dah dah dah dah dah
Other Side of the Radio (3X)
How creative is that huh? and FUN to listen to too...
Music has a way of influencing its listeners..some ignorant, some very knowledgeable..some just pleasure-seekers...
personally I feel the lyrics of a song make it what it becomes...
Be it the anthem-like "youth of the nation" or the wailing from the microphone: "somewhere I belong" ...
every style of music has its defenders, admirers...(hmm although I don't sympathise with 'techno' lovers...*rolls eyes*HOW???)
But yeah ...sometimes I find myself listening to some artists/genres that are not THE happening I'm not such a great fan of country..but the touching "wide open spaces" by Dixie Chicks made me wonder otherwise..also "I love u this much" by Jimmy Wayne(btw, u gotta check out his life-story..)
But I guess what makes music music is the reason why its played...some may use it to get fame and believe me shows..("hit me baby one more time" WHAT??!)
I guess that's what creates one-hit-wonders ( "where is the love") ..somewhere among the 10-12 songs per album...a group/band/artist ends up singing that one song...that has just the right rhythm..the right words and the right emotion....
I don't know if you, the reader got anything out of I will sum it up in this...
"talk less, say more" and if a song can do that...I guess its job is done...whether it gets an AMA or a Grammy or not.
Here I am on the other side of the radio
Wonderin' why I'm here and why anybody cares what I say
No I’m not a better man cause I'm singing my songs on the radio
Cause were all the same, at the end of the day
Now I imagine you on the other side of the radio
Doin' your homework or driving with your windows down on the freeway
I see you tappin' the wheel I see you bobbin' your head to the radio
Oh and it makes my day, to see that smile on your face
And in some small way, I remember my place
Cause it's you and me singing the same song right now
And maybe this will bring us together somehow
And maybe there's a million people all singing along
Somebody started thinkin' about the third line
And maybe somebody's saying a prayer for the first time
And that's enough reason to keep me singing my song,
Singing my songs, on the other side of the radio
Crank up the volume sing at the top of your lungs with the radio
Tune it in to some good news and laughing along with the DJ
We're changing someone's world from the other side of the radio
Oh and it makes my day to see that smile on your face
And in some small way, I remember my place
Cause it's you and me singing the same song right now
And maybe this will bring us together somehow
And maybe there's a million people all singing a long
Somebody started thinkin' about the third line
And maybe somebody's saying a prayer for the first time
And that's enough reason to keep me singing my song
Singing my song, on the other side of the radio (2X)
Dah Dah dah dah dah dah dah dah
Other Side of the Radio (3X)
How creative is that huh? and FUN to listen to too...
Music has a way of influencing its listeners..some ignorant, some very knowledgeable..some just pleasure-seekers...
personally I feel the lyrics of a song make it what it becomes...
Be it the anthem-like "youth of the nation" or the wailing from the microphone: "somewhere I belong" ...
every style of music has its defenders, admirers...(hmm although I don't sympathise with 'techno' lovers...*rolls eyes*HOW???)
But yeah ...sometimes I find myself listening to some artists/genres that are not THE happening I'm not such a great fan of country..but the touching "wide open spaces" by Dixie Chicks made me wonder otherwise..also "I love u this much" by Jimmy Wayne(btw, u gotta check out his life-story..)
But I guess what makes music music is the reason why its played...some may use it to get fame and believe me shows..("hit me baby one more time" WHAT??!)
I guess that's what creates one-hit-wonders ( "where is the love") ..somewhere among the 10-12 songs per album...a group/band/artist ends up singing that one song...that has just the right rhythm..the right words and the right emotion....
I don't know if you, the reader got anything out of I will sum it up in this...
"talk less, say more" and if a song can do that...I guess its job is done...whether it gets an AMA or a Grammy or not.
TIME:the stuff life's made of
2 Comments Published by Angel on Tuesday, December 07, 2004 at 9:38:00 PM.

BUSY...that's a word most people use...
"Can you come to the show?".."nah, I'm busy"
"Wanna come home and chat?".."busy."
Whatever does the word mean??
I'm just clueless coz I use the word to say anything from "I wanna stay home and Google about the very cute Evan Farmer" to "I want to complete my project coz tomorrow's the deadline"
So, here's the thing...I THINK i'm busy when I'm not...
24 hours always seems less..could that be a sign that there may be time-waster activities in my schedule??Like say...blogging?? ;)
And there is something about the computer that makes me feel I'm doing something worthwhile when I'm finding out what happened to the forgotten child stars of yesterday
or hoping to find that first-bencher from school on Orkut...(although I wouldn't have a clue what to say if I did find that person!)
And although I'm the kind of person who wants to know is time to stop when it's 1:30 AM and I'm trying to figure out if that rumour about Tommy Hilfiger and Oprah has any element of fact in it...
It is a feeling of under-achievement when you lie in bed at night and can't even think about how the day went coz a)your eyes hurt and your head aches. b)you're preoccupied with plans of completing that report due tomorrow...
Here I am, with a desire to have a wee bit of discipline in my that I have those five minutes of peace in the morning when I can sip that walnut coloured beverage prepared by my sister(she insists on calling it 'tea'...)
you know ..just a moment when nothing is particularly on your just have some extra time to sit down and do nothing....
Gosh I miss times like those....
So, it is time, I guess, to make a paradigm shift, and get accustomed to a more flexible schedule with time scheduled to be wiled away with glee...
"Can you come to the show?".."nah, I'm busy"
"Wanna come home and chat?".."busy."
Whatever does the word mean??
I'm just clueless coz I use the word to say anything from "I wanna stay home and Google about the very cute Evan Farmer" to "I want to complete my project coz tomorrow's the deadline"
So, here's the thing...I THINK i'm busy when I'm not...
24 hours always seems less..could that be a sign that there may be time-waster activities in my schedule??Like say...blogging?? ;)
And there is something about the computer that makes me feel I'm doing something worthwhile when I'm finding out what happened to the forgotten child stars of yesterday
or hoping to find that first-bencher from school on Orkut...(although I wouldn't have a clue what to say if I did find that person!)
And although I'm the kind of person who wants to know is time to stop when it's 1:30 AM and I'm trying to figure out if that rumour about Tommy Hilfiger and Oprah has any element of fact in it...
It is a feeling of under-achievement when you lie in bed at night and can't even think about how the day went coz a)your eyes hurt and your head aches. b)you're preoccupied with plans of completing that report due tomorrow...
Here I am, with a desire to have a wee bit of discipline in my that I have those five minutes of peace in the morning when I can sip that walnut coloured beverage prepared by my sister(she insists on calling it 'tea'...)
you know ..just a moment when nothing is particularly on your just have some extra time to sit down and do nothing....
Gosh I miss times like those....
So, it is time, I guess, to make a paradigm shift, and get accustomed to a more flexible schedule with time scheduled to be wiled away with glee...