TIME:the stuff life's made of

BUSY...that's a word most people use...
"Can you come to the show?".."nah, I'm busy"
"Wanna come home and chat?".."busy."
Whatever does the word mean??
I'm just clueless coz I use the word to say anything from "I wanna stay home and Google about the very cute Evan Farmer" to "I want to complete my project coz tomorrow's the deadline"
So, here's the thing...I THINK i'm busy when I'm not...
24 hours always seems less..could that be a sign that there may be time-waster activities in my schedule??Like say...blogging?? ;)
And there is something about the computer that makes me feel I'm doing something worthwhile when I'm finding out what happened to the forgotten child stars of yesterday
or hoping to find that first-bencher from school on Orkut...(although I wouldn't have a clue what to say if I did find that person!)
And although I'm the kind of person who wants to know everything...it is time to stop when it's 1:30 AM and I'm trying to figure out if that rumour about Tommy Hilfiger and Oprah has any element of fact in it...
It is a feeling of under-achievement when you lie in bed at night and can't even think about how the day went coz a)your eyes hurt and your head aches. b)you're preoccupied with plans of completing that report due tomorrow...
Here I am, with a desire to have a wee bit of discipline in my schedule...so that I have those five minutes of peace in the morning when I can sip that walnut coloured beverage prepared by my sister(she insists on calling it 'tea'...)
you know ..just a moment when nothing is particularly on your mind...you just have some extra time to sit down and do nothing....
Gosh I miss times like those....
So, it is time, I guess, to make a paradigm shift, and get accustomed to a more flexible schedule with time scheduled to be wiled away with glee...

2 Responses to “TIME:the stuff life's made of”

  1. # Blogger Oneirodynic

    The moment you feel that 24 hrs is less,is the first sign that you are enjoying life IMHO....  

  2. # Blogger Ta'fxkz

    Life is what happens when you are busy making plans- John Lennon  

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